Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Latest in Reputation Management Solicitations

It wasn't too long ago that a window company on the east coast got busted for driving around town breaking windows in hopes of seeing the victims the next morning as eager customers. The same opportunity exists for the lower rung of reputation management companies. Post some negative content on a complaint board, wait for it to surface on the search engines, and then make the call offering a solution to the company’s newfound problem.
While the reputation management industry has tons of ethical companies that can legitimately solve negative content issues, the guys that are soliciting business based on “breaking windows” should be avoided.

If you want to do some due diligence, take a look at what they’re doing for themselves in terms of reputation management and search their company name to see how they’re ranking. The third strike here will be if their website looks and reads like it was put together by a third grader.

Here’s another thing to watch out for; reputation management companies that tell you that they can get negative comments about your company removed from the web, much like credit repair companies removing dings from your credit report.

The issue here is that the web makes it very easy for anyone to have a voice on any opinion from anywhere that internet access is available. Unless the comments about your company cross the line of libel or slander, the content is going to stay put for a long time. It will not be removed.

Generally speaking, if there is negative content on the web that is damaging your business, a reputation management firms will create new articles, blogs, forum entries, comments, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and other forms of content to drop the rankings of the negative content on the search engine results pages.

The ease of dropping the rankings of negative content will depend on how much there is and where it originated. If authority sites are involved or if it appears to be a concerted effort, bringing in the pros is your best bet. In these situations, creating and optimizing content that will drop the negative content will likely be a long and arduous process that you’re probably not going to have time to execute properly.

For more information, visit: or call (866) 530 7703.

1 comment:

  1. Testimonial Tree is the leading online reputation management company. Our testimonial software makes it easy for you to collect authentic testimonials from your happy customers and automatically share the best stories online to attract new customers. Our solutions for enterprise organizations, small to mid-size businesses and individuals are empowering professionals throughout many industries.
